

Hot spring [Kogane no Yu]

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Urabandai has entered full-fledged winter, and the whole area is covered with snow.
Once you've enjoyed winter to your heart's content, including winter sports and smelt fishing, you'll miss hot springs!
I also go to day trips to hot springs in and outside of the prefecture on my days off.

One of the attractions of Kyukamura Urabandai is the open-air bath ``Kogane-no-Yu'', which can be used not only by overnight guests but also by day-trippers.
Spring quality/efficacy Sodium/calcium - sulfate/hydrogen carbonate spring
Arteriosclerosis,burns, chronic skin diseases
Opening hours 12:30-16:00(Last admission)
*Opening hours may be canceled or shortened during busy periods.
Fee Adults (junior high school students and above) 1,300 yen
Children (4 years old to elementary school students) 700 yen
*Free for children under 3 years old

It is called ``Kogane no Yu'' because it contains a lot of iron and is brown in color.
You can enjoy a snowy bath this season!
Please come and relax and heal your tired body from all the activities.
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